Keeping up with the family...
So, here it is, the long-awaited third foray by the Chambers Family into the world of blogging. I decided that it just wasn't fair for Liz and Dad to get all the glory - not to mention the fact that it might just be fun for the familial readers to get a feel for the different path that Liz and I have taken, as it is a fully functional representation of how we were raised to make our own choices. This "blog" will also be representative of another facet of the Chambers experience - competitive drive - as I'm a big believer that excellent people push each other to further excellence. That said, I'm out to prove that Dad and Liz aren't the only wordsmiths in the family.
I chose today to begin because I am starting what is hopefully a new phase in my life. My path thus far has been an interesting one, to say the least, as it has lead me through many different people, places, and understandings of the world around me. I guess the best and shortest way to explain it is that I left home at 18 seeking a true Liberal Arts education, and unlike many I've come across, that education merely began with graduation from college. While I won't take the time or space to break down all the winding turns I've made to get here, it's only fair to let you know that I sit before you with the body of a 35 year old ex-athlete, the mentality of someone who was more "mature" at 16 than at 26, and a wallet that only holds value as a paperweight.
Today is the day that begins the change. Having completed what amounts to a six month "apprenticeship", I am finally set up to begin work as the second man in a two-man software operation. I'll be leaving Denver in ten days for Oregon to watch Vickie graduate, and from there on to Las Vegas for 6 weeks of chasing the almighty $. This is significant as I have spent the last three years basically avoiding that same $ like the plague...some call it being irresponsible (and they're right), but I like to think of it as giving my peers a head start so that I don't feel guilty when I take over in the end.
Thanks for reading, feel free to comment, keeping in mind that as the oldest I've learned to embrace criticism as exceptionally valuable feedback. That's it for now.
Kick ass and take names. It never matters who is ahead until the end, and those who seem to jet out of the blocks often fall apart shortly thereafter. Look at the "restructuring" that I had to do after thinking that I'd made life so easy upon attaining my officer status at Standard. That was a "rush to the top" that was probably a bad thing for me...
wordsmithing...don't make it a competition, because Lizzie will make us both look bad.
Nice to see you back where you belong - kicking ass & taking names. That being said, I have some issues with your so called interests:
1) Learning - since when in our MTV-plagued-Paris-Hilton-lovin-no- ambition-generation did learning become a hobby?
2) Billy Elliot - its disturbing that this movie can be included in anyone's top 10, but to have it precede 'Say Anything' is almost criminal. Somewhere out there, Lloyd Dobler is crying.
3) "I'll listen to anything, but when its up to me its usually pre-2004 hip hop" - I'm not sure why it wouldn't be up to you, so either you're chained to a basement wall somewhere dressed in pleather eating dog food & being forced to listen to whatever 'master' chooses, or you've forgotten that 'shuffle' on i-tunes is an option & not a directive.
4) Atlas Shrugged - I'm fairly certain that Democrats aren't allowed to like this book & its been removed &/or burned in most liberal arts schools around the nation. Objectivism? c'mon...
Otherwise, nice blog - now you just need to claim pictures of a Britney nipple slip to get that hit counter up. Speaking of hot chicks, sorry to hear that Liz is engaged - guess there's only one sister left to hit on, damn...
excuse you- there will be no such hitting, thank you very much.
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