Tropicana Doldrums
Well, I've survived two weeks in Las Vegas. So far, my only conclusion is that this city is unique only in the contrarian clash between the extremity of what man has forced to exist here and the normality of all that which is not included. Having driven through a large part of the "town" of Las Vegas, I've been shocked at just how plain it is. When facing West, away from the strip, the scenery is such as to be equal to that in Lompoc, Eastern Colorado Springs, Southeastern Denver, or Gresham. Strip malls, apartment complexes, schools...just average smallish-town life. Sure, you can't buy a hamburger without the opportunity to drain your life away twenty-five cents at a time on a slot machine, but after a day those "distractions" merely become a part of the scenery.
I am proof that fun can be had in this town on very little money. Don't have cable? No problem - just cruise on over to the multi-million dollar sports book at the Bellagio, sit down and enjoy the A's on a giant screen while attractive women bring you free drinks. Want to go out to a club without dropping $30 just to get by security? Get online a few days in advance, put your name on the guestlist and waltz on in, cover-free. Not interested in costly female companionship? Wait for the weekend, roll up your sleeves and say hello to a beautiful Vegas phenomenon as the Bachelorette parties take over town. It's taken me some time to figure all of this out, as there are some sports books that want you to pay for your liquor (gasp!), etc, but now that I've achieved such a high realm of local understanding it's just a matter of choosing from the menu. My next personal quest is to figure out how to get into hotel pools without actually staying at the hotel...there has got to be a way!
On the work front I am beginning to expand my horizons. While my current software sales position has yet to bear fruit, I think that the opportunity is there for me to make a living out of it. I'll be doing some extensive preparation for the incoming basketball tournaments, and if the future isn't brighter at the conclusion of this trip, at least I'll know it's time to get off the pot. At the same time I'll be looking for and applying to more sales positions here in town...there is just too much money in this place to not try to get on the upward swing of the whole thing. I just have to have faith that some hiring agent out there has the insight to see the diamonds I have hidden amongst the manure on my resume...I'd like to think that the roughness of the manure has added a bit of luster to the gems, so it's just a matter of time before someone takes a hose to the whole pile and I can shine adequately. Of this much I am sure - my future is not as a professional sports gambler. I have bet on 5 different variables and not hit a single one. That means that so far I'm a loser on this trip (and the A's are slumping), but I haven't yet played a hand of blackjack or rolled a single set of dice, so having minimized my losses is almost a victory. Almost.
The poker update is that my friend is learning the validity of the cliche "Poker is a hard way to make an easy living" and has been frustrated by unlucky cards "on the bubble" twice in the past week. It's hard to look at the bright side when one different card in either instance would have guaranteed at least a thousand dollars each time, but many jokers are here trying to do what he's doing and having less success. It takes skill, self-confidence, persistence and a large bankroll...we know he has the first three, so hopefully he can catch a break or two to help him with the last challenge. Sounds familiar, actually...