Monday, January 01, 2007

Thoughts on the New Year

Happy New Year to one and all. I finally had a great New Years Eve last night after years of working instead of partying. I made a week's pay in one night, and busted my ass to do so. It feels good, and makes me happy to know that I'm good at what I do.

New Year's Resolutions intrigue me. Are they pathetically passe' or an opportunity to challenge the whole world on the field of self discipline?

I have one month until the Fellowship reunion. This occupies my mind for many different reasons. I'm not entirely sure I'm prepared to open up that treasure chest.

We here in Denver have been snowed in since the 20th of December. One of our two cars has remained in its igloo the entire time. I am stir crazy and itching to bust out.

The other night I went into a bar that flashed me back to when I was 23...and I have to admit to being shocked by the feelings that have resonated within me since. It's very strange to think of the path of my think of the direction I've come, and the road I've taken to get here. I don't regret any of it, but I am glad that I have moved away from some of it...even if the old me would have given me a pile of grief for softening up in my old age. I certainly don't regret not being in the position I may have been in had I continued along my Professional path...nobody says anything good about Law School and sitting in an office makes me shiver and itch. And I'm pretty sure it cost me my hair...